Description: sound recorded by FXProSound. Usable in media, game, foley. Acoustic: processed, envelopped, normalized.

Description: sound of movement twisting swoosh. usable in foley, game, cartoon. distance: mid. acoustic: processed

Description: sound of metallic wire swish noise. usable for foley. distance: mid. acoustic: field

Description: Sound of: fly off air swoosh. Usable as: foley, media, game. Distance: mid. Acoustic: processed

Description: Geluid van kleine fluitend whoosh

Description: Korte wind swooshing geluid - luchtige

Description: Geluid van: hissy swirly swoosh

Description: Geluid van: klein getjilp flyby swoosh

Description: Sound of: small race swooshing - short. Usable as: game, foley. Distance: mid. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of: hissing whizz transition. Usable as: media, game. Distance: mid. Acoustic: processed

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