Description: klassieke hollywood regeling van de traditionele Zebu carol met disney-achtige orkestraties.

Description: Moderne regeling van de traditionele vakantie ballet.

Description: klassieke hollywood regeling van de traditionele Zebu carol met disney-achtige orkestraties.

Description: klassieke hollywood regeling van de traditionele Zebu carol.

Description: klassieke hollywood regeling van de traditionele Zebu carol.

Description: Verheffend en vreugdevolle originele kerst 30 sec commercile vol klokken, glans en engelachtige stem.

Description: Vrolijke, triomfantelijke en wonderbaarlijke originele kerst-thema, met trompet, strijkers, jongenskoor en klokken. Verschillende commercile lengte snijdt en mixen beschikbaar.

Description: This is a well know public domain standard for all festive, family, or corporate function celebrations. It is used as a standard for the New Years Eve parties but can be used for any party. This version is a romantic and sentimental harp duet that gives a feeling of warm innocence that's full of humble sentiment and will surely to bring a tear to the eyes of more than a few! 100 bpm and edited for seamless looping.

Description: "Christmas Play" is a sweet orchestral track with sleigh bells. Mood: cheerful, playful, sweet, naif. Instrumentation: glockenspiel, sleigh bells, orchestra. Suggested use: Christmas, Nativity, winter holidays.

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