Description: water, shower, bathroom, hosehold, home, office, flow, drip, drop, splat, splatter, fountain, Soundopolis

Description: bathroom, water, faucet, flow, shower

Description: water, shower, bathroom, hosehold, home, office, flow, drip, drop, splat, splatter, fountain, Soundopolis

Description: Background sound of a shower that can be looped. Ideal for use background sound of a shower in a video production or movie.

Description: Background sound of a shower. The tap is turned on, and the water runs for about 30 seconds. Then, the tap is turned off. Ideal for use background sound of a shower in a video production or movie.

Description: A running shower faucet with high water pressure.

Description: A running shower faucet with high water pressure.

Description: A running shower faucet with low water pressure.

Description: A running shower faucet with medium water pressure.

Description: A shower faucet turning off followed by water dripping from the faucet.

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