Description: Shopping mall, interieur: ambiance, small, UK # 3

Description: Burger restaurant: interieur, sfeer # 2

Description: Partij, childrens, kleine: lunch sfeer # 4

Description: Sound within a building as it starts to crumble and fall apart with bricks, debris and glass crashing to the floor.

Description: Geluid van een zeer drukke winkelcentrum met voetstappen gedempt stemmen en algemene sfeer. Ideaal voor projecten waarvoor dit type geluidseffect.

Description: Sporthal, interieur: ambiance, kinderen vijf-a-side soccer spel, galmende # 4

Description: Sporthal, interieur: ambiance, kinderen vijf-a-side soccer spel, galmende # 3

Description: Sporthal, interieur: ambiance, kinderen vijf-a-side soccer spel, galmende # 2

Description: Not whispering but mostly indistinct, somewhat subdued walla from a courtroom/hallway setting. Just a few voices mostly male voices in a fair size room as if talking business. Stereo. Some subtle movement to add texture.