Description: The sound of a guitar pick quickly scrapped across a round wound low E acoustic guitar string.

Description: The sound of a guitar pick quickly scrapped across a round wound low E acoustic guitar string.

Description: Rubbing a chrome surface with wet hands producing a friction squeak.

Description: Rubbing a chrome surface with wet hands producing a friction squeak with a low frequency thud.

Description: Rubbing a chrome surface with wet hands producing a friction squeak.

Description: Rubbing a chrome surface with wet hands producing a friction squeak with a low frequency thud.

Description: Rubbing a chrome surface with wet hands producing a friction squeak.

Description: Briskly rubbing a chrome surface with two wet hands producing frantic friction squeaking.

Description: Rubberen vel: Natte Squeak Rubber & ballon Foley;Squeak & luidspreker Foley

Description: Rubberen vel: Natte Squeak Rubber & ballon Foley;Squeak & luidspreker Foley