Description: A meandering and delightful swing jazz tune perfect for the daily water-cooler or front porch chatter about the day's events, featuring piano, acoustic bass, drums with brushes and acoustic guitar.

Description: A sultry jazz swing tune in a minor key with piano, bass, drums and guitar.

Description: A light and airy jazz swing filled with warmth and whimsy.

Description: A meandering and delightful swing jazz tune perfect for the daily water-cooler or front porch chatter about the day's events, featuring piano, acoustic bass, drums with brushes and acoustic guitar.

Description: Een warme en reflecterende jazz schommel met piano, akoestische gitaar, akoestische bas en drums met borstels.

Description: Jazzy, ambient, cool, Instrumental, background, music, beat, track.

Description: Een positieve, ritmische en bewegende jazznummer die swingt zonder drums, met piano, akoestische gitaar en akoestische bas.

Description: A positive, rhythmic and moving jazz tune that swings , featuring piano, acoustic guitar, alto flute, acoustic bass and drums.

Description: A nice easy and relaxed swing tune with piano, bass, drums with brushes, acoustic guitar and vibes.

Description: Een zeer, zeer ontspannen en ontspannen zwoele jazz tune met vibrafoon, piano, akoestische basgitaar, drums en akoestische gitaar.