Description: A happy upbeat dance oriented Latin American cumbia featuring percussion, full brass section, electric guitar and bass. Superb caribbean feel for dance collections, courtship dance, sharp performances and infectious melodies and rhythms. Media ready for tv, film, video, radio broadcasts projects. Instrumental, Tropical, Cumbia

Description: Soccer Warrior is an intense batucada-like track for your sports projects. The song consists of a very heavy percussion like the one you would hear in Brazil. It can be used as a song for an advertisement, a video, a corporate project, a presentation, etc. We hope you enjoy it and thank you for your time! Moods are: Brazil, Batucada, percussion, sports, corporate, intense, etc.

Description: Een koele Latin Dance/Pop cue grote voor alle media.

Description: techno, samba, house, brazilian, carnaval, brazil, tech house, nu disco, indie dance, party, ibiza, batucada

Description: Driving samba, Latin colors, percussive energy, world, ballroom

Description: 'Brazili Samba' is een typische Samba track, perfect voor uw commercile, presentatie, Youtube video of commercile. Natuurlijk werkt het vooral goed voor elke toepassing die verbonden met het kampioenschap voetbal. Het wordt gespeeld met de typische instrumenten van de Samba zoals messing, Piano, percussie en stampen drums met inbegrip van sommige enige ritmische delen.

Description: Sexy and romantic bachata from Dominican Republic. Recorded with electric guitar, bass and real latin drums and percussion.

Description: Een koele Latijnse benvloed Reggaeton cue grote voor alle media.

Description: Travel without moving with this music from north of Mexico. Recorded with accordion, bass and real drums.