Description: Langzaam, etherische, mooie en beklijvende thema met vrouwelijke solo-sopraan zang, harp en strijkers. Straalt klasse en kwaliteit. Zeer geschikt voor reclame en zelfs Keltische muziek. 60sec main mix, mix lite 60sec, 30sec en 13sec versies

Description: An energetic and fast Opera track with an emotional vocal performance and strong orchestral support.

Description: A pretty Opera track with beautiful melodies and wonderful classical accompaniment.

Description: A beautiful Opera track with soaring vocals and fluttering orchestra.

Description: A very emotional Opera trackwith soaring soprano vocals supported by a beautiful orchestra.

Description: A gentle Opera track with an emotional vocal performance and light orchestra.

Description: A beautiful Opera track with a heartfelt vocal performance supported by tranquil orchestral elements.

Description: A romantic Opera track with a heartfelt vocal performance supported by orchestral elements and harpsichord.

Description: An upbeat and fast paced Opera track with an emotionally charged vocal performance supported by powerful orchestral elements.