Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: sound recorded by FXProSound. Usable in media, game, foley. Acoustic: processed, envelopped, normalized.
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: sound recorded by FXProSound. Usable in media, game, foley. Acoustic: processed, envelopped, normalized.
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: High quality sound effect of a huge explosion with debris, perfect for a variety of projects such as apps, videos, games, websites, commercials and more. See our portfolio for more high quality sound effects!
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: Bright Gun shot sound effect for games and commercial projects…This sound fx can be used anywhere – in war games and movies, documentary scientific films, presentations, telecasts, as a sound, background for websites etc… Tags: pistol, gun, shot, loud, shotgun, noise, game, commercial, promo, trailer, dark, game, sound, rifle, firearm, shoot, shot, Gun, weapons, fire, fight, hunting, Shooting, arms
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: Deze explosie Fx zal helpen u, als u ontploffing fx of nodig artillerie shell burst effect, tank wapen, detonatie geluid...Deze fx bevatten vuurwerk fx en kan worden gebruikt overal-in oorlog, slag bij games, films, films, corporate video's, flash presentaties, diavoorstellingen, zakelijke projecten, nieuws, uitzendingen, podcast, als achtergrond voor de websites etc...blast, bom, af te breken, vernietiging, effect, exploderen, exploderen, ontploffing, vuurwerk, game, harde, enorme, kaboom, grote, luid, massale, militaire, film, sfx, geluid, oorlog, oorlogvoering
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: Geluid van: verre lage klinkende bom
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: Oude 8-bits stijl spel explosie of schot.
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: Lancering bom crash geluid
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: Geluid van: futuristische swooshing kleine explosies
Genres: Geluidseffecten , Bomb
Description: Geluid van: droge punchy explosies of hits kunnen fallings of oorlog schieten met reverb