Description: Stereo sound recording of the cash drawer on a cash register opening with a classic "Cha Ching" sound.

Description: Loop ready stereo sound recording of footsteps cautiously making their way across soggy, crunchy glass and other debris.

Description: Sound recording of someone knocking or tapping with their finger on a glass window, door, tank or aquarium.

Description: Stereo sound recording of a dry erase marker squeaking as it's used to write or draw on a whiteboard.

Description: Stereo sound effect recording of a marker being used to write text across a piece of paper.

Description: Stereo sound recording of a long line being drawn across a piece of paper.

Description: Loop ready stereo sound effect recording of someone typing on an old typewriter.

Description: Sound effect recording of a buzzer going off in a large sports arena or venue, such as a hockey rink, basketball court, football stadium, etc.

Description: Sound effect recording of a cash register making the classic "Cha Ching" sound of the cash drawer opening or closing.

Description: Sound effect recording of the cracking, crunchy sound of something being crushed.

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