Description: A simple, light, positive ballad, guitar arpeggios. Great for documentaries, adventure, travel.

Description: Melodic and playful in five quarters

Description: Slightly fusion and funk musical track with soft melodies and ambient atmospheres.Great for documentaries, travel, adventure, sports

Description: A lively and funny song, light, electronic and danceable, positive mood Great for documentaries, cartoons, video games, games

Description: Enveloping and melodic song with strong Jazz references, deep, mysterious and sensual mood with an engaging synth solo. Sense of free space. Also great for documentaries.

Description: Strong trend, evocative, dark and hypnotic, bass, synthesizer,drums and effects.

Description: Electronic dance music idm, good for video adventure, spot, signature tune.

Description: Arpeggios of notes that seem to form droplets, positive and somewhat bucolic.

Description: Melody bouncy and lively on a thick carpet of sound.

Description: Slow dance and delicate electronic music

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