Description: A solemn commemoration with strings and timpani. (Normalized to -1)

Description: Begins with twinkling chimes, strings play chords evoking brontosauruses in the mist, or any mysterious sight inspiring awe.

Description: Descending rock-guitar notes, airy synth background, ends with brief cheering.

Description: An icy synth chord swells and fades

Description: Smooth, icy synth chords, rhythmic tinging

Description: Descending rock-guitar notes, airy synth background, ends with brief cheering.

Description: Piano playing familiar chase music from the silent cinema.

Description: Smooth, eerie synth notes and light background buzzy sounds.

Description: Rising dissonant synth chords evoke ufos or abduction.

Description: A light piano arrangement of the main theme with quiet strings in the background. (Normalized to -1)

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