Description: Deep House / Pop / Tropical house track with catchy guitar theme, soft, tight bass, atmospheric pads and pluck synth sequence. Influences: Lost Frequences, Robin Schulz. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

Description: Deep House / Tropical house midtempo track begins with a romantic, sentimental guitar part, framed by atmospheric pads and piano, and in the second part of track we can hear flying melody saxophone, which creates a unique atmosphere of spaciousness and freedom. Influences: Robin Schulz. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

Description: Elegant, atmospheric, deep / tropical house composition. Memorable melodic guitar phrase, dense, punchy rhythm section, soft, viscous bass, atomospheric pads and synth arpeggiators. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

Description: Calm, summer, guitar deep house composition. Catchy phrases of electric guitars, transparent soft pads, dense rhythm section, percussions, pluck synths and synthetic violins in the second part. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

Description: Atmospheric, graceful and romantic guitar based deep house composition. Catchy, melodic and liryc phrases of electric guitars, transparent soft pads, dense rhythm section, percussions, pluck synths and warm mood of summer Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

Description: Atmospheric, graceful, romantic, ethereal, guitar based deep house composition. Catchy, melodic and lyric phrases of electric guitars, transparent soft pads, dense rhythm section, percussions, soft pluck synths and warm mood of summer, vacation and enjoyment of serenity. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

Description: Atmospheric, soft, graceful and romantic guitar based deep house composition. Catchy, melodic and lyric cphrases of electric guitars, transparent soft pads, dense rhythm section, airy piano, light percussions, pluck synths and mood of summer, rest, relaxation and peace. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

Description: Atmospheric, soft, graceful and romantic guitar based deep house / chillout / fashion lounge music composition. Catchy, melodic and lyric phrases of electric guitars, transparent soft pads, dense rhythm section, airy piano, light percussions, pluck synths. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos You may also use it as a background for tourist advertisement, commercial, slideshow or even as a summer showroom accompaniment.

Description: Atmospheric, soft, graceful, funny and romantic guitar based deep house / tropical house composition. Catchy, melodic and lyric phrases of electric guitars, transparent soft pads, dense rhythm section, accordeon, light percussions, pluck synths and mood of summer, rest, relaxation and peace. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

Description: Elegant, airy, atmospheric, fashionable, summer guitar-oriented deep house / tropical house composition. Catchy, melodic and lyric phrases of electric guitars, transparent soft pads, dense rhythm section, string sections, bells, accordeon, light percussions, pluck synths and atmosphere of heat, summer, relaxation, sea, peace and joy. Perfect for: tv, commercials, corporate projects, radio, sound illustrations, presentations, promotions, youtube videos, films, party promos

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