Description: Sound of interface dings - punchy navigation whizz. Usable in: media, game. Distance: close. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of game or interface ding mellow bell bonusUsable in: game, mediaDistance: mid closeAcoustic: processed

Description: Sound of interface dings - app blocked alertUsable in: media, gameDistance: closeAcoustic: processed

Description: Sound of interface dings - bubbling app close. Usable in: media, game. Distance: close. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of game or interface ding mellow bell failUsable in: game, mediaDistance: mid closeAcoustic: processed

Description: Sound of interface dings - metal collect. Usable in: media, game. Distance: close. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of interface dings - swishy pop click. Usable in: media, game. Distance: close. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of interface dings - single wooden dumb click. Usable in: media, game. Distance: close. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of interface dings - hi plop click. Usable in: media, game. Distance: close. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of interface dings - mak selectUsable in: media, gameDistance: closeAcoustic: processed

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