Description: Glorious and triumphant inspirational cinematic music piece featuring full orchestral strings and brass sections, emotional piano, war drums and orchestral percussion. Epic and dramatic composition perfect for movie trailers, video games, sports videos, superhero films, commercials and more. Powerful and exhilarating music track that evolves to create a heroic and victorious feeling.

Description: This is a big and heroic theme featuring a beautiful eastern female vocal singing that represent the best epic war victory scene.

Description: Can be used for various video projects and games.

Description: Cinematic film, dramatic , action, suspense, great for movies,trailers,Jingles and great for build ups.

Description: Epic Orchestral Music gradually building to a climax expressing achievement and pride. A goal has been achieved! Majestic instrumental music.

Description: Dramatic and thrilling orchestral loop (32 Sec)

Description: A fast action adventure theme urges an epic hero swoop in and save the day... but there are consequences.

Description: Action thriller epic music scenes

Description: Grote bombastische orkestrale met krachtige herosch gevoel. Patriottisme en dappere daden, die eindigen met uiteindelijke triomf en eeuwige roem. Varianten: 2:01 / 1:30 niet midden deel / 1:20 Loop / 1:14 geen Intro / 1:00 / 0:33 / 25s Happy end / 0:17 triomfantelijke trompet / 0:15 Intro of einde