Description: tense, dark, danger, mistrust then 1 mn action, walking, courage, orchestra symphony

Description: reflexion, mellow, ballad, loneliness, carry away, sweet, piano, strings

Description: Magical, cinematic, child-like fantasies, from a forest underworld inhabited by elves and fairies to wondrous castles filled with memories of past childhoods. Opens with minimal celesta and gradually builds, then dissolves away. Light Orchestra & choir. Various cuts and mixes including 60sec, 30sec & stings

Description: Determined, strong theme, orchestral, heroic, patriotic, stately

Description: strong, determined, stubbordn, confident,

Description: melancholy, introspective, ominous, danger, action,

Description: Goede corporate geluid majestueuze, speels en optimistisch.

Description: Een lyrische en beklijvende melodie voor orkest, met Engelse hoorn.