Description: Eenvoudige piano versie van de traditioneel childrens nursery rhyme, jongens en meisjes Come Out te spelen. Begint met solo piano en bouwt met pizzicato strijkers, celeste en vibes. Belangrijkste versie en 30 sec gesneden

Description: Romantic and dreamy, but also emotional and dramatic orchestral track with an Americana feel. Works well as intro or ending. Orchestration: String Orchestra, Flute, Solo Piano Track length 0:50 Tempo is rather free but around (60-65) BPM.

Description: Donkere onheilspellende Track met Piano Bass en Sfx

Description: Komedie orkest donkere percussie humoristische

Description: “Dark Cinematic Hero” is dark, epic cool track with staccato low strings for the dark feel, brass sections with exciting melody, deep low taiko tom for the epic exciting sound. This track is perfect for today cinematic trailer, grab this track to enrich you video to it goal!

Description: Mirthful, whimsical and full of character, this quirky light orchestral piece is ideal for comedy. Inspired by Tchiakovsky's 'Dance of the Mirlitons', this comical theme is perfect for children's TV, slapstick, comedy & commercials. Features pizzicato strings, woodwinds & xylophone. Main, 60sec & 30sec plus underscores

Description: Pop Culture Corral, comedy, cartoon, fun, humorous, spaghetti western

Description: Dit is de percussie versie van donkere Jungle track. In dit nummer kun je klassieke drums en donkere melodie met glitch effect horen.

Description: Powerful punch hip hop, rock, composition featuring overdrive alternative guitar riff, hip-hop beat and urban style elements. Perfect for advertising, action, military, martial arts, urban, sport video, advertise and more projects. 90BPM, Em. Thank you for listening, rating and purchasing-)

Description: Dark, scary and eerie cue for tension, suspense and horror.