Description: Fantasyesque, smooth cue, gently performed on a piano.

Description: Orchestral tension from light building to a crescendo. A moonlit night, someone is lurking in the bushes outside, a gloved hand tries a door handle, it's unlocked. The tension builds as he enters the house until..... the light switch goes on..... he'd forgotten his key. Great tension builder. 60sec and 30sec full and underscore mixes

Description: Bright, light-hearted and warm theme for children with strong logo. Playful summer days, blue skies, fluffy white clouds in golden meadows. Ideal for childrens theme, TV music, adverts and commercials for childrens products or healthy products and foods. With commercial legth cuts and underscores

Description: Very emotional piece with harp and lush, flowing strings. Loving, romantic and tear-provoking.

Description: Epic, orchestral cinematic underscore, slow but powerful and gigantic vista. Ethereal beginning, then builds and develops to dramatic chords with complimented by a choir. Think massive space ship slowly drifting in space approaching an unknown planet or dark evil underground world. Epic Film score. Main & short 60sec cut

Description: Orchestral Film Score - Action, combat odds, then epic battle, symphonic orchestra, voice

Description: Orchestral Film Score - tense, danger, observations, symphonic orchestra, electronic sounds

Description: Orchestral Film Score - gloomy, tense, action, fight, symphonic orchestra, electronic sounds

Description: Orchestral Film Score - tense, wait, action, epic, symphonic orchestra

Description: Piano, strings, flutes and percussion trade motifs before building to lush final chord a la Golden Age of Hollywood.