Description: Motivational urban logo/ident/stinger/intro ready to use in logo reveal, commercials, advertising, corporate videos, promos, presentations, commercials, media entertainment and many more.

Description: Motivational logo/ident/stinger/intro ready to use in logo reveal, commercials, advertising, corporate videos, promos, presentations, commercials, media entertainment and many more.

Description: Motivational logo/ident/stinger/intro ready to use in logo reveal, commercials, advertising, corporate videos, promos, presentations, commercials, media entertainment and many more.

Description: Inquisitive, hesitant, with more than a little intrigue. When there's nothing to do but wait with time passing by, just keep busy. Up-tempo, light activity, minimal orchestral, with a strong sense of dramedy & perfect for reality TV. Feeling a little nervous & apprehensive. Lots of edit points. Main, 60sec, 30sec, stings, stagers & bridge

Description: Brighten and build up a logo indent to herald in and lift up the visual point. This is a hi tech shimmering synthesizer frequency swell and glitter introduction sting with chord tone resonance lasting 5 seconds.

Description: Fun banjo muziek cue, zal werken voor underscore, bumpers en steken en childrens

Description: Een snelle high-tech oplopende synthesizer frequentie zwellen voor videoproductie logo inspringingen.

Description: Een korte muzikale cue om te dienen als de audio logo voor een merk of bedrijf

Description: Snel, leuk en levendig circus muziek - de perfecte begeleiding van slapstick clown routines & jongleren fungeert. Gek, wild en knockabout capriolen. Neemt u rechts terug naar dat voorste rij zitten in de big top. Ook geweldig voor dierlijke capriolen, tekenfilms, kinder TV, Out-Takes. Verschillende cuts - main, 30sec & sting