Description: Warm, beautiful & serene, yet with a certain pace. Creates a feeling of quality, caring, love and romance. Perfect for 30sec commercials for Mothers Day, Valentine's Day, gifts of jewellery, perfume etc,. Features strings, harp, electric piano, glockenspiel & brush kit drums. 30sec COMMERCIAL

Description: Fast, energetic, crazy and upbeat extreme sport groove. Real pace and movement hip-hop techno dance ultra frantic groove. Dance synths, strong beats with power lazer fx. Perfect for dance, extreme sport, trance, or fast movement. Main mix, 60sec and 30sec versions

Description: Insistent, driving, breezy, uplifting underscore written for advertising. Cheerful and positive with real pace. Ideal for any feelgood Ad. Featuring rhythmic acoustic guitar, electric guitar and sweet strings. 30sec commercial

Description: Lively, uplifting and positive Asian dance beats with traditional Indian feel. Brings the vibrant flavour of the Indian subcontinent to your productions with a strong rhythm, tablas and sitars. Great for commercials, documentary, drama and travelogues. Main mix, plus 60sec and 30sec commercial cuts.

Description: Intricate, light and gentle, yet purposeful, determined and forward-pushing. Features circular acoustic guitar figures & light lead. Composed for 30sec radio & television commercials - Ideal for caring informational ads, legal services, public service or caring services.

Description: Feel-good and catchy, funky bass pop with an energy and drive. Takes you back to the eighties, with the big sound and brass punctuations. Great for promos and commercials. 60sec, 60sec underscore and 30sec versions

Description: Jolly, sing-a-long, foot-tapping, uplifting and friendly, cliche Italian cafe music. Really warm, inviting and cooked to perfection. Perfect for Italian restaurant, take-aways, and holiday commercials. Good for adding your own vocals or just a voice-over. 30sec full & 30sec underscore versions

Description: Plucky, light-hearted, happy-go-lucky, 30sec COMMERCIAL BED. Warm & friendly underscore that builds slightly throughout. Features mute electric guitar, double bass, finger snaps & light percussion. Great for lifestyle, healthy, wholesome RADIO & TV ADS.

Description: Smooth, rich and mellow with a calm relaxed feeling. Light rolling theme in an endless circular motion. Features rich tremelo strings and light percussion. Great for relaxation and health treatments, intermission music, calming on-hold music, TV reality design reveals and commercials. Main, 60 and 30sec versions

Description: A soft and gently finger picked acoustic guitar and finger picked bass guitar underscore with an angelic choir pad to add a calm and tender feel into your voice over, visual, or graphic information. 60 beats per minute.