Description: Music: calm travel background for east asian. For use in: movie, game. Key and tempo: Fis maj 120 bpm. Mood and genre: chinese traditional

Description: Music: background voices and strings. For use in: movie, game. Key and tempo: not definied, slow. Mood and genre: mysterious foreboding ambient

Description: Music: mystic mysterious ambience with voices and synth. For use in: media, film, game. Key and tempo: slow a min. Mood and genre: ambient mystic new age

Description: Music: mystic atmosphere ambient. For use in: movie, game. Key and tempo: undefinied. Mood and genre: mystrious angelic mellow ambience

Description: Sound of: mystic pad and strings ambience sound. Usable as: movie, game. Distance: distant. Acoustic: processed

Description: Music: synth and soundscape ambient. For use in: media, game. Key and tempo: undefinied. Mood and genre: ambient futuristic

Description: Sound of: mystic wicked oracle ambience. Usable as: movie game. Distance: mid. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of: psychedelic vision ambience. Usable as: game, movie. Distance: mid distant. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of: ambient mystic theme. Usable as: film, game. Distance: distant. Acoustic: processed

Description: Sound of: violin processed ambient sounds like weird vision or memories. Usable as: movie. Distance: distant. Acoustic: processed

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