Description: Sad, sorrowful and somber piece for piano and strings. A moment of defeat and reflection in the cold light of day. Perfect for a scene of aftermath or destruction for documentary or lost loves and longing for human emotion drama. Features simple symphonic strings, soft horns and haunting piano. 60sec and 30sec versions

Description: Dark, eerie and sinister soundscape. Darkness falls, and there's something or someone lurking, not too far away. Subtle yet dramatic orchestral soundscape, with crescendos and effects. Perfect for film and television, drama or horror, where inobtrusive mood music is needed. Main, 60sec and 30sec full and underscore mixes

Description: Grand, proud and upstanding. Brisk drive through long leafy country lanes and through the gates to the big country estate. Wistful and breezy light classical theme, befitting the Lord of the manor, fine and full of splendor. Features symphonic strings, piano, woodwind section and harp. 60sec and 30sec full and underscore mixes

Description: Dark, cold and foreboding journey into a crime-ridden underworld. The main mix features a lead electric guitar and is perfect for a detective style theme. Whereas the underscore provides a rhythmic pulsating dirty and atmospheric backdrop or accompaniment. Perfect for drama, documentary and TV. Main, 60,30 and sting, main and underscore mixes

Description: Orchestral tension from light building to a crescendo. A moonlit night, someone is lurking in the bushes outside, a gloved hand tries a door handle, it's unlocked. The tension builds as he enters the house until..... the light switch goes on..... he'd forgotten his key. Great tension builder. 60sec and 30sec full and underscore mixes

Description: Dark, brooding and sinister, yet calm, gentle and haunting theme. Forensic investigation at the scene of the crime. Perfect for TV theme or incidental music depicting crime, death and destruction. Features keyboard pads, piano, harp, choir and solo violin. Various cuts and stings, main, 60sec, short theme and stingsv

Description: Classic spanning en drama op het zilveren scherm. Perfect piano drama voor stomme films of comedy spoofs. Main mix, 60 en 30 sec versies

Description: Verre herinneringen, verloren liefdes, wat had kunnen zijn. Deze langzame en doordachte underscore is perfect voor documentaire en reality-tv, waar de menselijke emotie is betrokken. Main mix, mix Atmos, 30sec en loop versies.

Description: Big, dramatische, krachtige, bonkende hartslag gebouw climax. Orchestral mega filmstijl productie. Hoofd-en 30sec 30sec lite versies. Commercieel

Description: Slow, reflective and melancholic. Beautiful, heart warming and passionate reflection in to past times, as the years roll by. Tinged with sadness and regret of lost loves. Features piano and strings. Perfect for drama, documentary and commercials for elderly care, health related and services. Main, 60 and 30sec in full and underscore mixes

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