Description: Oude theatrale stijl van musical 'vamp totdat u', voorzien van kleine band bestaande uit piano, drumkit, trombone, tuba, fluit en xylofoon. Denk Vauderville, Music Hall, ' ik zeggen, ik zeg, ik zeggen ' komedie. Perfect voor commercials - zou kunnen worden uitgebreid. Belangrijkste mix 30 sec & onderstrepingsteken 30 sec versies

Description: Uptempo jolly theatrical theme. Full of razzamataz and show biz pazazz for stage or circus ring. The roar of the grease paint and the smell of the crowd. Lively, energetic and atmospheric, suitable for adding vocals if required and great for commercials, drama, television, film and documentary. 60sec and 30sec full and light mixes

Description: Goofy, fun & wacky children's theme. Great upbeat accompaniment for kids running around doing silly things, slapstick & activities. Perfect for children's TV game show, TV animal antics, cartoon chase, clowns and slapstick comedy routines. Features synths, piano & tuba. Various mixes & cuts.

Description: Brutale, opzwepende en vrolijke leuk Pub pianostijl 30 sec commercile. Een echt goede tijd, gelukkig sing-a-log en knien-up. Typisch voor de oude East end van Londen. Ideaal voor staande uit de menigte en toevoeging van uw eigen zang in de stijl van de Britse Cockney. Licht hearted commercials. 30 sec

Description: Interesting, warm and quizzical. A day in the life - an everyday story of a contented everyday life. Light orchestral arrangement featuring rhythmic staccato cellos, lush warm strings and woodwinds. Prefect for radio and television commercials for domestic products and household services. 60sec and 30sec full and string mixes

Description: Heartfelt, nostalgic and characterful solo trumpet version of the traditional song composed by Joseph Ascher in 1861. This solo brass arrangement is lyrical and comical, typical of the Lancashire and Yorkshire area of England. In fact it was used as the theme to the BBC's 'Open All Hours' sit com.

Description: Jolly, bright and so much fun. Silly theme for small children, incorporating orchestral and toy sound effects. Perfect for advertising Nursery Schools and toddler play groups, on-line or radio and television. Commercial length cuts with and without the sound effects.

Description: Lively and lots of fun, runaround theme for small children. Uptempo, jolly and full of beans, it's non-stop playtime for toddlers and infants alike. Features children's laughter and goofy sound effects. Perfect for Children's TV, nursery school adverts and playgroup web-site features. Various mixes

Description: Fast, runaround, comedy theatrical theme. Very much in the tradition of British Pantomimes, it's uptempo, full of fun and slapstick. It's frantic style is interspersed with lots of stops, so great for traditional comedy style chase scenarios. Features piano, tuba, xylophone and lots of percussion.

Description: Mirthful, whimsical and full of character, this quirky light orchestral piece is ideal for comedy. Inspired by Tchiakovsky's 'Dance of the Mirlitons', this comical theme is perfect for children's TV, slapstick, comedy & commercials. Features pizzicato strings, woodwinds & xylophone. Main, 60sec & 30sec plus underscores

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