Description: Happy, uplifting and packed with sunshine. Catchy, foot-tapping upbeat underscore, perfect for summer, full of fresh air and fun. Features acoustic guitars and rhythmic ukulele. Great for promoting healthy foods and friendly services, commercials, children's television and documentary. Main, 60sec and 30sec versions

Description: Contemporary Indie acoustic pop. It's good to be alive with this uplifting and friendly acoustic guitar underscore with an infectious simple hook. Features acoustic guitars, organ, drum kit, hand claps and glockenspiel. Perfect for radio and television commercials for anything good and wholesome. 60sec and 30sec versions

Description: Upbeat, catchy and friendly acoustic underscore. Happy and full of life, ready for the day ahead, this foot-tapping acoustic guitar track is perfect for radio and television commercials for family friendly and wholesome products and services. Ends with a logo - various mixes

Description: Perky, foot-tapping, happy good-weather theme. Classic summer retro sound, in the style of Mungo Jerry, quirky and folky. Features accordion, honky-tonk piano, vocal percussion, banjo & electric bass. Great for TV & Radio Commercials. Various cuts & mixes available

Description: Catchy, bright and foot-tapping. Bright and breezy commercial underscore, which takes you out in the fresh air on a glorious summer day. Features warm and friendly acoustic guitars, ukulele and mandolin, plus cheery whistling. Perfect for wholesome family product adverts through to reality TV. 60sec and 30sec full and underscore mixes

Description: Vrolijke, ludieke en zorgeloze commercieel. Uptempo met als doel, met behoud van een relaxte, gezond en onschuldig gevoel. Functies akoestische gitaren, kleine bell & fluiten. Ideaal voor voedingsmiddelen, gezonde levensstijl, welzijn, kinderen. 30sec commercile plus versie zonder het fluiten.

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