Description: This is a well known public domain standard for all festive and family or corporate function celebrations. It is used as a standard for the New Years Eve parties but can be used for any party, emotional, or romantic gathering. This is a simple quaint and charming version with a finger strummed acoustic guitar, finger picked bass, and a harmony duet of two finger picked acoustic guitars, then builds up the end with lush strings and vocal choir. It has the feeling of warm innocence that's full of humble sentiment that's sure to bring a tear to the eyes of more than a few! 100 bpm Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days of auld lang syne For auld lang syne, my dear For auld lang syne, We'll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet For auld lang syne.

Description: This is Australia's most popular folk ballad and is known as the unofficial national anthem of Australia. This version is an uplifting and spirited rendition done with piano, harp, string and oboe sections, and a flute melody line. 108 bpm This music works great for any Australia associated themes like historic, documentary, landscape, wildlife, tourism, or sporting events.

Description: Een fade in een eenzame persoon uit door een regen gevlekte raam staren en vroeg me af waar is mijn minnaar, zullen ze terug komen... Regen en onweer met ambient piano, glazig synthesizers en koor vertellen een emotie scne in geluid.

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