Description: Middellange groot publiek mompelt met sommige bewegingen. Wachten op prestaties. Stereo-installatie.

Description: Clean, steady, neutral feeling room tone. No traffic, air conditioning or movements. Live recording. High quality recording chain.

Description: Rustig, met af en toe hoest en gevoel van toeschouwers. Geen praten. Stereo-installatie.

Description: Room tone like presence with background coughs and very subtle movements in a large size room. Good for crowd bg ambience interior. Not too busy.

Description: Not whispering but mostly indistinct, somewhat subdued walla from a courtroom/hallway setting. Just a few voices mostly male voices in a fair size room as if talking business. Stereo. Some subtle movement to add texture.

Description: light interior walla, courtroom, mostly male, light mvts, fairly close recording. Low key conversations.No excessive echo.

Description: Rustige kamer met een beetje verkeer, doek wrijven en onopvallend kraakt. Mono. Veld opname. Geen stemmen.

Description: The feeling of people present in a room without voices or a lot of movement. Stereo. Good for those MOS shots or as a bed to lay on other effects.

Description: No dialogue. Pencil, pen, paper light shuffles. Clean. Stereo.

Description: Classroom activity without voices. Clean pencil, paper, pen movements. Stereo.

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