Description: Mannelijke vrouwelijke tieners misschien college leeftijd. Middellange afstand. Medium druk. Buitenkant lucht. Chatten. Reizen door. Frezen.

Description: Aziatische, Engels, Mideast en ik denk dat de Afrikaanse stemmen in de lobby van de internationale luchthaven. Stereo. Live opname.

Description: Grote groep Haitians exterieur stemmen. Deel n van de twee.

Description: Grote groep Haitians exterieur stemmen. Deel twee van de twee.

Description: Geruis van 100 + mensen zitten in een theater. Stereo-installatie.

Description: Very good recording of audience presence with subtle movements. Sparse vocals hardly present. Feeling of a body of people present.

Description: The feeling of a very large crowd in an open area. Faint indistinguishable voices. Largely quiet. Could be any country. A sense of slow mvt. Exterior without birds or traffic.

Description: Feeling of a large crowd of spectators slowly moving. Exterior open space. Field recording at a mass rally.

Description: Boze menigte, opgewonden stemmen. Stereo.

Description: Med to large group of teens working a project at school. Lots of chatter. An air of excitement. Mono. A few distinct boxes. Great for low level background.

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