Description: Uplifting, upbeat, danceable and funny track with organ, flute, trumpets and fast breakbeats. It works extremely well for corporate or commercial uses. It motivates to dance and it conveys a real sense of speed, urgency and running. Shorter version available. Funky, groovy, positive and optimistic

Description: Funky, positive and uplifting pop/rock music track with electric guitars, bass guitar and drums.

Description: Funky, sassy, groove, up beat, electric guitar, traveling music, twang lead

Description: Funky rock, electric guitar, grooving, attitude, determined, bluesy, southern

Description: Texas Rock, Greasy, Medium Tempo, Southern, funky-rock, forceful

Description: New school, specialty, novelty, sparse,energetic

Description: New school, specialty, novelty, sparse,energetic

Description: Neo soul, funky groove, soulful sax, wah wah guitar, thumpin organ

Description: Funky, dark & spatial, wa wa guitar, jazz scat vocalese

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